martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Fantasmas Espiritus de Animales o Mascotas

Parece increible que nunca haya encontrado un titulo asi en otra web pareciera ser que los sucesos de fantasmas solo incluyen a seres humanos que han partido de este mundo por circunstancias no muy felices y que quieren contactarse con los seres vivos .

Pero que sera de los otros sere vivovos como plantas y animales que son en cantidad mucha mas grandes y desde luego de mayor amplitud de especies, podra pasar lo mismo?

Imaginense por un momento aquel perro que se ha querido mucho se le ha dado la mejor alimentacion, cuidado del pelaje, paseos etc.. un dia se escapa y es atropellado entonce donde quedara su alama? talvez ocurra lo mismo al quedar perdido sin cuerpo existente comenzara a deambular cerca de sus amos en busca de respuestas.

Pensar que esto de ser fantasmas pueda pasarle a los animales es totalmente loco? creo que no , solo hay que denuevo abrir nuestras mentes a tales posibilidades y que decir de posibles exorcismos de mascotas que de la noche a la manana se vuelven locas y vomitan o muerden por doquier dominadas por otros animales mas aventajados en el mundo etereo.

Obviamnte hay que hacer analisis en este nueva tierra de sucesos , por ultimo los exorto a cuidar a sus mascotas porque no saben  si cuando muera vendra del mas alla para llevar acabo alguna macabra venganza o seguir protegiendolos y queriendolos como los hicieron en la vida .

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

El Gran Dragon Satanas ? - Fuego en el Cielo - Batalla de Dioses

Es increible como en casi todas las biblias hay mucha correlacion en cuanto a los grandes actores de la creacion como Dios, El Diablo, los seres humanos los Angeles .

En este caso me pongo a observar el caso de El Dragon que vino hacer mucho dano a los seres humanos y de donde salio segun , el apocalipsis, el Libro de Bronce Kolbrin y El enuma Elish que aunque fueron escritos por diferentes personas de tiempos muy sin relacionar ni que decir los paises y creencias espirituales.

El la Biblia de Kolbrin El dragon fue hecho nada menos y nada mas por el mismisimo Dios que al vera los seres humanos perdidos en los pecados y la inmundicia de sus actos hace un Monstruo que se llamo Dragon invencible y lo envio a la tierra etc.. aqui les dejo el pasaje

Kolbrin Capitulo tres Destruccion y Recreacion

En el momento de la gran destrucción de la Tierra, Dios hizo un dragón desde fuera del cielo para venir a abarcar su alrededor . El dragón era terrible de contemplar, que arremetió contra su cola, que exhaló el fuego y las brasas, una gran catástrofe fue infligida a la humanidad .

El cuerpo del dragón estaba envuelto en una luz brillante fría y debajo  en el vientre  era un brillo en tonos rojizo , mientras que detrás de él se desvaneció una cola  de humo. Vomitó a cenizas y piedras calientes y su aliento era fétido , envenenando las fosas nasales de los hombres. Su paso causó grandes truenos y relámpagos desgarrando el cielo se oscureció de espesor, todo el Cielo y la Tierra se sentian calientes. Los mares se soltaron desde la base , echando toda la tierra. Hubo un bramido terrible, estridente que bajo el volumen  incluso del aullido de los vientos desencadenados .

Hombres, afectadas por el terror, se volvieron locos al ver lo horrible en los Cielos . Estaban libres de sus sentidos y sobre exaltados , enloquecidos , sin saber lo que hacían. El aliento fue succionado de sus cuerpos y que se quemaron con una ceniza  .

Luego pasó , dejando a la Tierra envuelta en un manto oscuro que se iluminaba en el interior. Las entrañas de la Tierra fueron desgarradas en grandes conmociones retorciéndose y aullando en un torbellino que rompía los montes  . La ira del cielo - monstruo desatado en los cielos. Se levanto sobre en llama de furia , rugiendo como mil truenos ; que corría por la destrucción de fuego en medio de un mar de sangre espesa y negro . Tan impresionante fue la cosa temerosa aspectado que la memoria gracias a Dios se apartó de hombre, sus pensamientos se ahogó bajo una nube de olvido.

Como podemos leer Dios se harto pero en ves de un diluvio nos mando un monstruo para que nos consumiese totalmente, si nos podemos a pensar un poco mas talvez no sea un dragon sino una nave espacial que nos lansaba proyectiles atomicos y destryeron gran parte de ese mundo , bueno se los dejo a su discrecion por que lose es muy aventurado pensar asi !.

Sera que en este caso el dragon tambien personifique al mismmo Satanas para destruirnos hasta los huesos? sera asi que piensan.

En el Enuma Elich vemos como los dioses crean un gran monstruo brillante increible inteligente que es casi como ellos un Dios inmortal. pero se les volvio encontra de ellos y tuvieron que crear a otro ser Marduk para venerlo y ser su vengador , se decribe una feroz batalla de el bien contra el mal Marduk contra Tiamat

Enuma Elish

Mientras que los dioses de la batalla afilan sus armas. 
Entonces Tiamat y Marduk se unieron tema, el más sabio de los dioses. 
Ellos se esforzaron en combate singular, encerrado en la batalla. 
El Señor extendió su red para envolverla, 
El mal viento, que seguía detrás, le soltó en la cara. 
Cuando Tiamat abrió su boca para devorarlo, 
Condujo en el Viento Maligno que no cerrara los labios. 
Como los vientos feroces pagan su vientre, 
Su cuerpo estaba distendido y su boca estaba completamente abierta. (100) 
Soltó la flecha, que se desgarró el vientre, 
Cortó a través de sus entrañas, la división del corazón. 
Habiendo así su tenue, apagó su vida. 
Él bajó los cadáver de pie sobre ella. 
Después de que él había matado a Tiamat, el líder, 
Su banda se hizo añicos, su compañía disuelta; 
Y los dioses, sus ayudantes que marchaban a su lado, 
Temblando de terror, le dieron la espalda sobre, 
Con el fin de salvar y preservar sus vidas. 
Estrechamente cercado, no podían escapar.

Posiblemten este Dragon o montruo llamado Timat que tiene una gran boca sea otra representacion de Satanas o de alguna nave nodriza gigantesca cuyos habitantes se revelaron contra los dioses y por eso debieron ser destruidos ?

Y como no puede faltar una biblia catolica para entender aun mas la relacion del mal con los dragones o seres invencibles que desafiaron al todopodersos en su trono sin medir consecuencias

 Y fue hecha una grande batalla en el Cielo, Miguel y sus ángeles lidiaban contra el dragón; y lidiaba el dragón y sus ángeles. 8 Y no prevalecieron, ni su lugar fue más hallado en el Cielo. 9 fue lanzado fuera aquel gran dragón, la serpiente antigua, que se llama Diablo y Satanás, el cual engaña a todo el mundo; fue arrojado en tierra, y sus ángeles fueron arrojados con él. 10 Y oí una grande voz en el Cielo que decía: Ahora ha venido la salvación, y la virtud, y el reino de nuestro Dios, y el poder de su Cristo; porque el acusador de nuestros hermanos ha sido arrojado, el cual los acusaba delante de nuestro Dios día y noche. 11 Y ellos le han vencido por la sangre del Cordero, y por la palabra de su testimonio; y no han amado sus vidas hasta la muerte. 12 Por lo cual alegraos, Cielos, y los que moráis en ellos. ¡Ay de los moradores de la tierra y del mar!, porque el Diablo ha descendido a vosotros,teniendo grande ira, sabiendo que tiene poco tiempo. 13 Y cuando vio el dragón que él había sido arrojado a la Tierra, persiguió a la mujer que había parido al hijo varón.”                              ( Ap 12:7-13 )

Es muy parecida la guerra de Tiamat y Marduk con la Dios y Satanas en los cielos y miren como se mezcl a con forma de dragon y va hacia la tierra a traer desgracias como en el Kolbrin.

Sera que estamos viendo un mismo suceso manipulado segun el tiempo  y quien gobernaban ? hay demsiado parecido para mi en estos textos o talvez alguno se copio de otro mas antiguo? ojala algun dia se nos descubran los misterios de que fue esa gran lucha y como nos afecto .

Analisis por Eliacim Gonzalez


Greetings, Unborn Ones, now asleep in the dark womb of the future. Greetings from we who were once as you are now and like whom you will one day be. We too hoped and feared, doubted and believed.

Were you choosing a gift from the past to the future, what would it be? The golden treasures hoarded by kings? The bright jewels beloved by queens? Is worldly wealth still so important to you? If that would be your choice above all else, we are disappointed, for our labours have been in vain.

Would you prefer the secret of life, of eternal youth? Have you altered so little from those who live and laugh today, with no thought turned towards the future? This thing which seems so desirable, were it yours would you value it? Would it never pall? Would you still be grateful for it after a thousand years have passed? The answer would be "yes" if this life were all, the beginning and end, complete in itself.

But might not this life be no more than a prelude, an introduction to something infinitely greater? Is the riddle still unsolved, the secret of the ages still well kept, known only by a few, even when these words are read? How many generations have passed without progress? Does mankind still lie passive like driftwood upon the sea of spiritual apathy, driven back and forth by changeable winds and conflicting currents, making no headway?

Could we leave you the knowledge enabling you to live a life without toil, surrounded by every luxury and pleasure; a magic stone granting every desire, an all healing potion, the ability to fly or know all things on Earth, would any of these satisfy the desires of your heart and fulfill your dreams? We who lie so far back along the road trust you have progressed beyond such petty aspirations.

It is beyond our power to give such gifts, and were they ours to bestow we would withhold them, for unless a gift confers a benefit, it were better not given. With the wisdom of your generation, tell us, which of the things mentioned would really benefit you or even prove less bad than good? Or do you still remain unaware of your true nature and needs?

Who you are, how you speak and dress (are you even like us in form?) we cannot know or imagine. This alone we know as truth, you are brother beings of ours and travel the road we once trod. We share one destiny and have the same true goal, though perhaps no more know in your day what these are than do in ours. Like to us life comes to you unbidden, it is fraught with problems and difficulties; it alternates between light and shade, and like us you wonder what awaits at the end. You, too, are victims of Earth's delusions; you, too, find Truth and Perfection beyond your grasp and you, too, aspire to beauty and goodness. These things we know about you, these things must be or you would not exist.

Your needs are no different from ours, but do you now know with certainty what they are? Your life serves the same purpose, you are part of the same pattern, you are ruled by the same impulses and urges, but do you know why and to what end? We know you are without certainty and assurance about what lies beyond the veil of death, for these cannot be given while man remains no more than man, and doubtless like us you remain suspended between doubt and belief.

Our Unborn Friends, whatever your circumstances of life you are the children of the past and heirs of those who have lived and died. We trust you have no cause to reproach those who once held stewardship over your estate. But whatever you think of the heritage, you cannot put it aside, any more than you can refuse the obligations of life. Maybe it brings you the happiness and security, the peace and plenty we never knew. If so, this will remain unread, for to you it would be a wilderness of words serving no purpose.

If you have so much, if you have progressed so far, nothing we could give would be of benefit. To the traveler, information about the road behind is worthless. If this is your state we hail you, we are proud of you, our worthy children of light, conceived in the long dark years wherein we laboured and ploughed our own short furrow. You have done well and our greatest joy would be to stand beside you as you exultingly reach out for the crowning glory of godhood.

But you may be no more enlightened than we, in which case accept our offering as a token of our regret, our desire to make amends on behalf of those who preceded you, for if you remain lost in spiritual darkness the blame is theirs and not yours.

This we give you, The Hidden Books containing the accumulated harvest of wisdom and Truth garnered over the generations, the bread and oil which sustained us and never diminished.

May they serve you in your day as well as they served us. Above all, may you be sufficiently enlightened to receive them, for today we are persecuted because of our books, and most who treasured and guarded them are now dead. We can only consign these books to the ground and destiny, trusting they will be called forth at the proper time and in a receptive generation.

These books, which we hand into the keeping of time, were written under the authority of revelation and inspiration. Containing Truth, their message cannot be attacked by time, for Truth is an eternal youth.

We make no claim to exact and accurate statements beyond the possibility of error and misinterpretation, for words are frail messengers. They are fallible things unable to transmit accurately from mind to mind. Also, we cannot tell how they who resurrect the books will deal with the contents. They are written in letters known to the learned, but learning changes with the generations. These books are the glorious embodiment of Eternal Truth, but the words and expressions are unworthy garments so that misconception and misunderstanding are not possible.

Words are servants of the fallible mortal sphere and when called upon to serve a realm of greater things prove inadequate. Therefore, be not like some petty-minded ones of our generation who say, "The letters are misplaced and the words ill used." They examine each blade of grass diligently, but fail to discover the purpose of the meadow. Such men lack insight and seeing only the bare letters say, "These tell me all, there is nothing more". We have a saying, "do not judge a place of instruction by its bricks". Wisdom, being eternal, doubtless this will apply no less in your generation.

So, Unborn Unknowable Ones, we humbly tender this, the gift of the past which we could not pass on otherwise. If you have advanced far along the road towards greatness, it will have no value; but if you still dally or have wandered away, lost in the illusive mists of worldliness and none answers your cries, then take this hand extending out of the past. It will guide you faithfully and well.

Down through the generations men have been persecuted, have suffered and died so that Truth and Goodness might prevail, remember them. If the world is good, then your peace and pleasures have been brought by their sacrifices. If it is not, then you must not quibble over the cost to yourselves in making it good. Surely no torments and terrors in your days could exceed those of the past!

Farewell, Unborn Ones, with these few words we have reached from the day of the present into the night of the future. We have planted the seed, will it grow or rot in the ground? What crop will it produce? We cannot know. Let fate deal with it as it will, we have gathered the seed, flailed and winnowed it and kept it with every care. We have planted well, we can do no more.

May life deal better with you than with us. May you never be denied the comforting hand of hope.


The Kolbrin Bible

The Kolbrin, in its present production, incorporates a body of enlightened teachings which are the treasure of the centuries, a light on the path of Truth, and as applicable to the world today as they were in the past. There has, however, been a considerable amount of reconstruction, as the original writings survived only precariously. Most of what is presented here was actually salvaged from a pile of discarded manuscripts and was partially burned and damaged by the weather before being reconstructed into a manuscript from which this is rewritten.

Undoubtedly, additional material has been incorporated with good intent, to fill gaps and elaborate on the original. Something may have been lost in the modernization of various parts. The important point, however, is that this is not intended to be a historical record, an intellectual work or literary effort, it falls short of these and is rather a coherent and consistent body of spiritual teachings. It is on this aspect alone that it stands or falls. The spiritual truths presented here are all that matters, the rest can be regarded as an embellishment, a vehicle for presentation and conveyance.

The message conveyed, whatever its form of presentation, is always the essential core, and ethically, morally and spiritually the Kolbrin concedes nothing to other works of a like nature. It should be seen as an inspirational work, the substance of which can be accepted with confidence and trust.

While great care was exercised in the past, to ensure that these transcriptions would be transmitted through the centuries in a form as unadulterated and unaltered as possible, little is known about the actual persons or body of people concerned. From what is known, the name 'Kolbrin' was originally applied to a collection of manuscripts which were salvaged from Glastonbury Abbey at the time of its burning. The fire, which was arson, was intended to destroy those manuscripts, but they were secretly housed otherwise than in the scriptorium and library at the time of the fire. In any event, it was believed that these 'heretical works' were destroyed, and as it happened the fire proved to be a good cover for their preservation.

Some of the manuscripts were transcribed, at some time, on to thin metal plates and, collectively, these were known as 'The Bronzebook of Britain'. This designation was carried forward when they were written out in book STITCH from in the seventeenth century. The subject matter was then divided into chapters and the paragraphs were numbered. The whole was modernized in the latter part of the nineteenth or early part of the twentieth century. Incorporated in the modern Kolbrin are manuscripts which were traditionally clamed to have been copied from salvaged manuscripts which were not transcribed on to metal plates and formed a work known as 'The Coelbook'.

During the second and third decades of this century these books were in possession of a religious group in England which was never very powerful, because requirements for membership were too restrictive. It would seem that throughout history the Kolbrin has always been on the brink of extinction, yet it has survived, safeguarded by a few who barely knew what it was all about, who were neither intellectual nor wealthy and for whom the practicalities of life took precedence.

Originally, there were twenty-one books, which were said to be twelve books of Britain, eight books of Egypt and one of the Trojans, but of their names there is little certainty. Only a portion of these books remains and it seems that much of historical nature has been trimmed away.

It is known that at the beginning of the fourteenth century there was a settled community in Scotland under the leadership of oneJohn Culdy. The old Culdians, who were guardians of what they called 'The Treasures of Britain', were never numerous and loosely organized, membership being maintained by itinerant smiths and other craftsmen. They seem to have previously been loosely known as 'Koferils'. The Kolbrin makes mention of 'Wise Strangers' and there is a tradition to the effect that these were the original Culdians (Kailedy). There are other explanations, but the writer is in no position to express any positive or worthwhile opinion. Does it really matter anyway?

We are told that the Ferilmaster (a word of uncertain meaning) was Nathaniel Smith, martyred in the beginning of the seventeenth century. This appears to mark the end of the Old Culdians as a coherent body, but steps were taken to preserve the Kolbrin. For a long time it was buried or otherwise hidden, but some time during the early part of the last century, copies were written out in 'biblical English' and two of the books were in existence just before the first World War. Since then the various books of the Kolbrin have suffered many vicissitudes and what remains is only part of the original.

During the last world war the old books were thrown out as 'worthless junk', saved and again discarded as 'heathen works of the Devil', but luckily, again salvaged before irreparable damage was done. It has not been easy to reconstitute them, even with the assistance of a more knowledgeable co-worker who filled in a few gaps with compatible references to modern works.
No doubt, in its present form the Kolbrin leaves much to be desired. The contents could perhaps have been condensed and much irrelevant matter deleted, but the compiler considered it his prime duty to preserve and retain every possible fragment and leave it to others better qualified to sift, revise and condense.

Obviously, some of the proper names are spelled wrongly, and some of the original correct ones may have been replaced by others, for it seems that in the past there was a biased selection of material to be included. No claim is made regarding historical accuracy, for the compiler is totally unqualified to voice any opinion in this respect; but, as stated before this is not an historical work but the corpus of a doctrine and way of life.

Whose hands originally wrote its many parts is unimportant and it is even less important to know who transcribed it later, though some details appear in the modern section. The phraseology may be cumbersome and even ungrammatical, because of the manner in which the biblical form of English has been modernized by one who has no scholarly pretensions whatsoever. It may be argued that this work should have been presented in its archaic form, to preserve its authenticity, but the compiler disagrees, and we concur.

The criterion by which any literary work should be judged is its message and intent, not its format. The words, of themselves, are sterile, it is the spirit of the whole that give the Kolbrin meaning and life. What is presented here is an attempt to pass on, as near as possible in its original form, with all its defects and shortcomings in style and presentation, something which will be of benefit to all. The original writers attempted to make words convey something beyond inherent meaning, they endeavoured to build an edifice of glory out of common clay.

The importance of what is given here lies in what is projected out of the past into the present lamentable spiritual vacuum; in the help it can offer to the ordinary man and woman, not in what it offers to the literary world. On this basis alone these writings must stand to be judged. The worth of any knowledge is in its value here and now, in present day circumstances. We know, from the later books of the Kolbrin, that for centuries its contents had to be kept secret because they may have been misunderstood or found unacceptable. Perhaps they will fare better now.

This book is resurrected with the sole intent of ranging it alongside the Forces of Good. Its publication will undoubtedly be difficult, for such a work can scarcely be deemed to have popular appeal. It deals with goodness and virtue, courage and mortality, with spiritual ideals and human aspirations, all unpopular and despised fare in these the Days of Decision. It seeks to enshrine love in a place beyond clamour and craving of the mortal flesh, and this alone may be sufficient to call down derision upon it.

The same effort as was put in the piecing together and reconstruction of the Kolbrin, put into a book pandering to the moral weaknesses of society and exploiting the jaded, degenerate appetites of modern life, would undoubtedly prove more popular. But can it be said, even in these morally unwholesome times, that the value of a publication depends solely on its popular appeal?

In the Kolbrin, the Masters can record only the outcome of their own searching. They found assurance but cannot convey it directly to others. If others want it they too must tread the path the Masters trod, a long weary road not for the faint-hearted. The first step along that road is the study of the moral code and standard of conduct required. The next step is to put these into practice, making them the rule of life. They are the disciplines which enabled the truly enlightened ones of the past to awaken inner perception and make direct contact with The Universal Source of Truth. Only by following in their steps can anyone be assured of a path certain of reaching the desired goal.

Originally, the Kolbrin was in two parts, 'The Open Book' and 'The Closed Book', the latter being more properly called 'The Great Book of Eternity', the former being "The Great Book of life". What is presented here is "The Open Book". Actually, this book contains nothing not already known, for mankind has never been without guidance. Truth and wisdom can be no one's monopoly, therefore many things expressed therein are to be found elsewhere.

Superficially the Kolbrin may appear to be just a jumbled collection of maxims and old stories, some incomplete, but to judge it from this standpoint is like analyzing the pigments of the paint in a painting and counting and classifying the brushmarks to discover what an artist wants to convey. To understand it fully one must stand off and view it as a whole, even then comprehension must flow from the heart and mind, not from the eyes.

A society progresses through social evolution, not revolution, but the woes displayed by present day society indicate that the evolutionary trend has taken a wrong direction. The standards of the past, formulated to stabilize society, have been spurned, without any adequate substitutes being put in their place. That is the tragedy of the times.

To get a more comprehensive view of where our society is heading, perhaps a better understanding of where we have been is needed. It is in this context that the Kolbrin is launched, to take its place in the greater scheme of things. 

sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Zaratustra - El Super Hombre - Jesucristo

Cuando Zaratustra llegó a la primera ciudad, situada al borde de los bosques, encontró reunida en el mercado13 una gran muchedumbre: pues estaba prometida la exhibición de un volatinero. Y Zaratustra habló así al pueblo:
  Yo os enseño el superhombre14. El hombre es algo que debe ser superado. ¿Qué habéis hecho para superarlo?
  Todos los seres han creado hasta ahora algo por encima de sí mismos: ¿y queréis ser vosotros el reflujo de ese gran flujo y retroceder al animal más bien que superar al hombre?
  ¿Qué es el mono para el hombre? Una irrisión o una vergüenza dolorosa. Y justo eso es lo que el hombre debe ser para el superhombre: una irrisión o una vergüenza dolorosa15.
  Habéis recorrido el camino que lleva desde el gusano hasta el hombre, y muchas cosas en vosotros continúan siendo gusano. En otro tiempo fuisteis monos, y también ahora es el hombre más mono que cualquier mono.
  Y el más sabio de vosotros es tan sólo un ser escindido, híbrido de planta y fantasma. Pero ¿os mando yo que os convirtáis en fantasmas o en plantas?
  ¡Mirad, yo os enseño el superhombre!
  El superhombre es el sentido de la tierra. Diga vuestra voluntad: ¡sea el superhombre el sentido de la tierra!
  ¡Yo os conjuro, hermanos míos, permaneced fieles a la tierra y no creáis a quienes os hablan de esperanzas sobreterrenales! Son envenenadores, lo sepan o no.
  Son despreciadores de la vida, son moribundos y están, ellos también, envenenados, la tierra está cansada de ellos: ¡ojalá desaparezcan!
  En otro tiempo el delito contra Dios era el máximo delito, pero Dios ha muerto y con Él han muerto también esos delincuentes. ¡Ahora lo más horrible es delinquir contra la tierra y apreciar las entrañas de lo inescrutable más que el sentido de la tierra!
  En otro tiempo el alma miraba al cuerpo con desprecio: y ese desprecio era entonces lo más alto: - el alma quería el cuerpo flaco, feo, famélico. Así pensaba escabullirse del cuerpo y de la tierra.
  Oh, también esa alma era flaca, fea y famélica: ¡y la crueldad era la voluptuosidad de esa alma!
  Mas vosotros también, hermanos míos, decidme: ¿qué anuncia vuestro cuerpo de vuestra alma? ¿No es vuestra alma acaso pobreza y suciedad y un lamentable bienestar?
  En verdad, una sucia corriente es el hombre. Es necesario ser un mar para poder recibir una sucia corriente sin volverse impuro.
  Mirad, yo os enseño el superhombre: él es ese mar, en él puede sumergirse vuestro gran desprecio.
  ¿Cuál es la máxima vivencia que vosotros podéis tener? La hora del gran desprecio. La hora en que incluso vuestra felicidad se os convierta en náusea y eso mismo ocurra con vuestra razón y con vuestra virtud.
  La hora en que digáis: «¡Qué importa mi felicidad! Es pobreza y suciedad y un lamentable bienestar. ¡Sin embargo, mi felicidad debería justificar incluso la existencia!»
  La hora en que digáis: «¡Qué importa mi razón! ¿Ansía ella el saber lo mismo que el león su alimento? ¡Es pobreza y suciedad y un lamentable bienestar!»
  La hora en que digáis: «¡Qué importa mi virtud! Todavía no me ha puesto furioso. ¡Qué cansado estoy de mi bien y de mi mal! ¡Todo esto es pobreza y suciedad y un lamentable bienestar!»
  La hora en que digáis: «¡Qué importa mi justicia! No veo que yo sea un carbón ardiente. ¡Mas el justo es un carbón ardiente!» La hora en que digáis: «¡Qué importa mi compasión! ¿No es la compasión acaso la cruz en la que es clavado quien ama a los hombres? Pero mi compasión no es una crucifixión.»
  ¿Habéis hablado ya así? ¿Habéis gritado ya así? ¡Ah, ojalá os hubiese yo oído ya gritar así!
  ¡No vuestro pecado - vuestra moderación es lo que clama al cielo, vuestra mezquindad hasta en vuestro pecado es lo que clama al cielo!16.
  ¿Dónde está el rayo que os lama con su lengua? ¿Dónde la demencia que habría que inocularos?
  Mirad, yo os enseño el superhombre: ¡él es ese rayo, él es esa demencia! -
  Cuando Zaratustra hubo hablado así, uno del pueblo gritó: «Ya hemos oído hablar bastante del volatinero; ahora, ¡veámoslo también!» Y todo el pueblo se rió de Zaratustra. Mas el volatinero, que creyó que aquello iba dicho por él, se puso a trabajar.
   13 Markt es la palabra empleada por Nietzsche, que aquí se traduce literalmente por mercado. No se refiere sólo al lugar de compra y venta de mercancías, sino, en general, a lugar amplio donde se reúne la gente, a plaza pública. Todavía hoy la plaza central de muchas ciudades alemanas se denomina Marktplatz.
   14 Sobre el «superhombre», expresión que ha dado lugar a tantos malentendidos, dice el propio Nietzsche en Ecce homo: «La palabra “superhombre”, que designa un tipo de óptima constitución, en contraste con los hombres “modernos”, con los hombres “buenos”, con los cristianos y demás nihilistas, una palabra que, en boca de Zaratustra, el aniquilador de la moral, se convierte en una palabra muy digna de reflexión, ha sido entendida, casi en todas partes, con total inocencia, en el sentido de aquellos valores cuya antítesis se ha manifestado en la figura de Zaratustra, es decir, ha sido entendida como tipo “idealista” de una especie superior de hombre, mitad “santo”, mitad “genio”».
   15 Eco de los fragmentos 82 y 83 de Heraclito (Diels-Kranz): «El más bello de los monos es feo al compararlo con la raza de los humanos.» «El más sabio de entre los hombres parece, respecto de Dios, mono en sabiduría, en belleza y en todo lo demás.»
   16 «Clamar al cielo» es expresión bíblica. Véase Génesis, 4, 10: «La voz de la sangre de tu hermano está clamando a mí desde la tierra» (palabras de Yahvé a Caín). Corno hace casi siempre con estas «citas» bíblicas, Zaratustra confiere a ésta un sentido antitético del que tiene en el original.

Ritual Abuse - Mind Control Denial; Bohemian Grove

Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer

Ritual Abuse - Mind Control Denial; Bohemian Grove

Q: I just find it amazing that this sort of topic (Ritual Abuse, mindcontrol) gets next to no press attention, taking into consideration the amount of evidence available.

A: Here is where I will sound really, really cynical. I'm not surprised, since the Illuminati leadership often boasted that their best protection was that no one would believe the fact that was happening. They also have their very own media blitz campaign, engineered to be pretty effective. For example, a reporter with the initials M. S., who wrote articles on Ritual Abuse (RA) and Mind Control in the San Diego Union-Tribune, was obviously a member in the Illuminati. His articles have almost a patent formula.
1. He interviews supposedly respected doctors inside field. These people with scholarly credentials, the "thinking man's verdict" give a rational, measured conclusion: no logically thinking being could ever possibly rely on ritual abuse, and also the therapists that treat victims from it are leading poor people people on, the gullible little dears being oppressed by therapists of the most vicious and mercenary bent.

2. He then exposes the "fundamentalist, narrow minded" "raving" and "mentally ill" those who say that ritual abuse is real, and also the "fraudulent" or supposedly mercenary/attention seeking therapists that work with them. His word images create the image of your person practically foaming on the mouth, brimming with demented ravings, with this side from the fence. He then brings inside heart break of dear, precious families broken apart with the wicked therapists who will be "implanting" ideas of ritual abuse of these poor victim's heads.
Wrap up while using supposedly rational, caring, logical and compassionate person for the FMS board saying how tragic it is this is occurring, that something has to be done.

M.S. never mentions that the therapists who work with ritual abuse survivors benefit very low pay, or sometimes totally free, to aid these people break free with the chains of an lifetime. He don't ever interviews the big percentage (>85%) with the psychological field which includes stated that they can believe that ritual abuse is, or may be real; instead, he only interviews the minority viewpoint to give his agenda.

Okay, so now we know how the normal media is fairly biased occasionally.

Q: But, while using evidence around, why aren't the best way to concerned regarding the Illuminati?

A: Because they simply can't, won't believe until this is happening. I am a strong Christian, along with Revelations, it says that before the return of Jesus, people will be acting as if nothing has happened, that most is normal, in spite of evidence to the contrary. You could show people a relevant video taken of an ritual, and they might declare:
"it has to be a fake; people just don't do those ideas."
You can show them a site with pentagrams, buried bones, and other evidence, and they might say, "Oh, that's just teenagers playing around". You can show them photos of underground tunnels near Los Alamos, and they'll say, "Isn't that interesting. Must be some government project." They can be shown the scars on a survivor's body, from cigarette burns when people are young, and old lash marks that have healed on his or her back, and also the question can be "are you sure it had not been self inflicted?"

The evidence can there be, however in my opinion, the average person does NOT need to know, and in many cases when confronted with it, will look the other way.

The Franklin case can be a point. How much evidence is here out? Or the MK-Ultra documents that have been declassified, shown as real, the ones ignore it.

Okay, I'll get off my soap box. But I believe that this media that downplays ritual abuse is feeding right into a deep need in the average person to NOT have in mind the reality. In fact, how can a person face the actual fact of great evil in mankind, unless they have got either a strong faith in God, or are confronted with insurmountable evidence? We as human beings want to believe the BEST of our race, not the worst, IMHO.

Q: You probably have heard in the 'Bohemian Grove'. What do you understand this? Any link with the Illuminati?

A: I myself are not aware of anything about the Bohemian Grove. Remember, I wouldn't come in a position to have much regarding it. Most of my connections were with Germany. I was never prostituted out, instead I taught others to be that. But I myself never attended, and also don't know anything about it. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful there.

Now, if you've been asking concerning the masonic temple in Alexandria, Va., or "Institute" in Charlottesville, Va., or perhaps a small grove up in Canada using a bronze statue of Baal, I could allow you to. Sorry I don't have everything to share on this topic. If the Bohemian Grove is occult, though, it probably definitely is known about by the Illuminati.

Exclusive Interview with the Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer

Exclusive Interview with the Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer

Ritual Sacrifices - Demons- Shape Shifting

Q: Svali, earlier on you mentioned sacrifices. You are speaking about animal sacrifices, right? Give me a little more details about that, please.

A: I hate to sensationalize things by commencing gruesome particulars, but I will share a little.

First, please keep in mind that the Illuminati have SIX branches of learning, and also the spiritual (where the sacrifices are carried out) is only ONE portion of what they do. I was in Sciences, and utilized to make fun of people that specialized in spiritual. Yes, all people have to go to spiritual rituals during certain high days, but I tried to stay as definately not it as I could. It's ugly, crude, and gross, but considered important.
1. The celtic branch of spiritual believes that power is passed at the moment between life and death. They will do rituals with children, and even older adherents, in which the person is tied down, plus an animal is bled to death on top of them. The belief could be that the person receives power from your departing spirit, which "enters" anybody. It is also highly traumatizing and horrible to have animal go through its death throes in addition to you. Throw in a few threats that "this will happen to you should you ever tell," plus a quite strong impression is created on young children.

2. Opening portals and dimensions: I know, this seems like stuff from a sci-fi film, however, these people really think that there are other spiritual dimensions, knowning that to pass into them, first a major sacrifice is done to "open a portal", usually several animals. I have also seen animal sacrifices completed to protect in the demonic, or blood employed to "close a circle" so the demonic cannot penetrate it.
The Illuminists very much believe in the spiritual realm, and possess codified practiced over more than 100 years from ancient occultic rituals. They believe they can control these powers (I believe they're deluded).

Sacrifices may also be done on high holy days. I have seen a pet "psychically killed" in front of me, and still have no way to describe what I saw. I have also seen human sacrifice, however, these were very rare (I believe I have seen two or three real ones in my life, the others were set-ups).

They don't want to kill off their children, they want a new generation to grow up and continue the practices. I have also been aware of them buying children business countries, and taking advantage of them, or even the homeless, but never witnessed it myself.

More often, I saw animals found in sacrifices and rituals. Other fatality, rare but horrible, I saw being a head trainer because of my job. Rarely, a trainer would push an individual too far, and didn't search for signs of stress. Especially with a few of the newer medications used to create trance states, their meds covered the harder obvious warning signs of trauma and stress (elevated heartbeat, rapid breathing, tremors, pupil size changing), or blunted them.

Inexperienced trainers would miss more subtle signs, and basically screw someone up. It is horrible to work with a person, and they NEVER COME BACK. They turned into a vegetable, or worse, they scream and scream for a long time without end.

We occasionally needed to "put down" these training failures, with a lethal injection of air, or insulin. The person was then placed in a "fatal crash" or "fire" to dump the body. May God forgive me to the few times this happened and I was made to act. I so regret it now. A person is not kind or sympathetic. And, the trainer always sees that it could be them next up for grabs, screaming, so they do their jobs well.

Any failures are heavily punished, as you would expect. One of my jobs was teaching younger trainers the masking effects of hypnotic drug combinations, and the way to recognize subtle clues of distress. Sigh.

Do the failures count as "sacrifices" to a horrible evil that is perpetrated on others? I think so, despite the fact that there was no ritual over it at all, it had been all completed in a training room with lab coats and needles.

Q: Svali, I have to ask you this: There are stories floating around on the internet regarding the Illuminati (as well as other agencies) being run by extra-terrestrials, ET's, in particular a reptilian race, operating from your higher dimension. Any ideas on that?

A: My answer will most likely cause a lots of anger, and it is not intended to step on any toes. Here it is going.

I have not seen an alien or extra-terrestial. I have seen some programming to create people THINK they saw aliens, like a cover story for programming, if they remembered. None of the head trainers I knew, kinds on leadership council, advocated aliens, although I never asked them.

I personally think that the reptilian stuff is in fact the demonic at the office. I have seen shape-shifting and also other stuff as a consequence of demonic influence (okay, out of your tender some will say, gee, she believes in demons, that's as far out as aliens).

Well, this is just what the Illuminati certainly believe in. They KNOW there are spiritual realities, and think they can control them. Those of a much more cynical bent would the shape shifting was obviously a drug induced hallucination and group hysteria in the context of a ritual setting. I will let each reader decide determined by their personal rut. But no, virtually no reptiles or aliens noticed in Washington, DC, or San Diego, Ca. as of 5 years ago, at the very least I never saw them.

Exclusive Interview having an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer

Exclusive Interview having an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer

How the Illuminati runs Hollywood

Q: I would believe that California will be one with the major 'turfs' from the Illuminati, and I'm thinking specifically Hollywood. What's your inside for this, in terms of film making, symbology, subliminals, the full scene generally speaking?

A: Oh, boy, do you have a few hours? I'll try to be brief. The Illuminati believe that to control the media is to manage the public. This is certainly one of their stated agendas. Remember, finances, media, law, government and education are the areas they targeted beeing the best to dominate society.

How can they do this? They don't go to a film producer and say, "Oh, mind you, we're Illuminati members and that we want you to create a movie that promotes our agenda". (Remember, they are not stupid, either). Instead, they're going to form a small investment corporation that funds movies with ideas that they like. They quietly hire actors and producers and directors and scripts, nevertheless they never mention their affiliation publicly or why they are doing this.

Money talks, especially in Hollywood. If you have money, you may get about anything made, and so they know this. They can also channel money into advertising campaigns, etc. because of their films (how many Christian films have experienced major ad campaigns previously twenty years? Very few. How many occult movies have? I rest my case).

This has become a slow, subtle process since they're patient. They have been working behind the scenes for years and years, and they also know that people is slow to just accept new ideas, who's has to be done gradually. (They think of it as leading in the "sheep" which is one of their terms to the "unenlightened"). And it has been. The number of occult films which has come out previously ten years alone should make anyone pause and think.

Why countless films using this type of theme? Why the desensitization of America's youth towards the occult and magic? Just look at Saturday morning cartoons. I don't allow my children to watch them, with the exception of "animaniacs" and Bugs Bunny from time to time. Instead, we rent old classics with Audrey Hepburn and John Wayne. I can send you some articles that did a fantastic job of investigating Walt Disney (he was an Illuminist, and Fantasia was adopted to program children).

Some films that blatantly portray the Illuminist agenda: The Matrix. You could have peeled me off of the ceiling when I saw any particular one. The references to conditioning along with the core were so blatant, it had not been funny. Fight Club: I love Brad Pitt and Ed Norton, which film is a nod in the covert military buildup occurring that the inexperienced doesn't realize. Also, Ed is dissociative in the film, as Pitt's character starts (notice how the cult-creating military figure may be the "stronger" one inside story?).

The Labyrinth: I haven't seen this, but my better half did, and everything he mentioned is pure Illuminati programming stories used with children. Any movies by having an occult viewpoint, or that report supernatural psychic phenomena, astral travel, or contact with the spirit world are sure to be part of this agenda. I don't watch them, myself. Saw enough of the real thing to last me this lifetime.

The sensationalization of rituals and also other occult insignia on television is another example. Ghost stories. Witch stories. Children's books about Wizards in addition to their training which can be extremely popular.

Oh, yes, Starship Trooper. This one had numerous cult symbols (the Illumnists have a strong Aryan ideology going, too) that I almost laughed outright when I discovered it. I counted at the very least 100 within it. Someone had fun going tongue-in-cheek with all the Illuminist agenda in any particular one.

Many fine actors and actresses are employed in films funded by they will. Some may know the agenda, most likely do not, as long as they receive a pay check. Some can also be Illuminists too, although I don't know who is. I do know a few, but I wouldn't like to risk a libel suit here.

Anyway, I was too busy training all night to meetings and learning the consequences of drugs on individuals to pay much focus on that part of the group when I was inside it, sorry, I don't have a lot of famous names within my memories. I lived an incredibly relatively boring life like a teacher and head trainer, and we rarely discussed the media except the fact who's, too, was another tool to bring in "The New Order", that is the motivation for many Illuminists.

I want to address another misconception. That is, the one the Illuminists know that they are evil. When I was inside the group, I the ones around me were idealogically committed on the agenda to GOOD. I thought I was helping others reach their full potential when I would have been a trainer.

I believed that after years of sweat and hard work, that my intelligence won out, and that I made a great leader. I fought Jonathan yet others on the council when I thought they were unfair, and stood up for that people beneath me. Others did the identical. They honestly think they do a GOOD thing, and when you exclaimed it was wrong, or evil, they might look confused.

It took a LOT of therapy and deprogramming myself, doing reality checks with noncult people to realize who's was all a lie. I was devastated. I had dedicated my entire life to helping others bring in the glorious new order, and after that found out it had been EVIL and abusive. I experienced a period of intense grieving/mourning over this.

Most Illuminists I knew weren't evil, they were deceived. Only the top leadership perhaps were consciously being hurtful.

Mensajes Pleyadianos

por Barbara Hand Clow
de "Manual de Ejercicios Pleyadianos"

Siempre que llegamos al final de un gran ciclo evolutivo, generalmente cada 5.200 o 26.000 años, los Emisarios Pleyadianos de Luz se hacen ver. Son un colectivo con responsabilidades y papeles diversos, incluyendo el de guardianes de la Tierra y de este sistema solar. Como tales guardianes vienen a abrirnos los ojos sobre dónde nos encontramos en nuestra evolución y lo que se necesita para dar los siguientes pasos. Esta información incumbe no sólo a nuestro planeta globalmente sino a los individuos que tienen, como yo, una conexión personal con los pleyadianos.

Cuando mi necesidad de ellos es real siempre aparecen. Ya se trate de necesidades de sanación y despejamiento personales o de información, o a veces sólo para tranquilizarme - o quizá para reavivar los recuerdos de mi cometido y actos de servicio aquí en la Tierra - los pleyadianos siempre me han ayudado de forma significativa y apropiada. Existen distintos tipos de seres con diferentes funciones dentro de los Emisarios Pleyadianos de Luz que se han hecho cargo de una gran variedad de necesidades en el camino. Pero no todos lospleyadianos son miembros de este grupo.

Ra, el ser que siempre me habla en calidad de instructor y filósofo, forma parte de lo que se llaman las Tribus Pleyadianas Arcangélicas de la Luz. Estos arcángeles son los custodios de la Tierra y de nuestro sistema solar. Existen cuatro Tribus Arcangélicas definidas por el color que irradian: el amarillo dorado, elrojo escarlata, el azul claro cielo y el verde suave esmeralda.

Existen numerosos seres de cada color y los seres del mismo color comparten el mismo nombre.
  • Todos los miembros de la Tribu Pleyadiana Arcangélica de color dorado se llaman Ra y son los
    guardianes de la sabiduría divina, que es el producto de toda experiencia.
  • Los seres azules se llaman Ptah 18 y son protectores y cuidadores de la naturaleza eterna de la vida.
  • Ma-at es el título concedido a los seres rojos, constituidos en guerreros espirituales; encierran en sí la energía de la valentía divina, que no conoce el miedo. Existen más seres Ma-at encarnados en la Tierra que de cualquier otro de los tres grupos arcangélicos.
  • A los seres verdes se les denomina An-Ra y encierran la energía de la comprensión y compasión divinas.
Algunos de los arcángeles pleyadianos establecen lazos conscientes con seres humanos como el que Ra tiene conmigo. Otros se especializan en comunicaciones interestelares y planetarias que están centralizadas en Alción, el sol central de las Pléyades. Otros arcángeles pleyadianos trabajan con los humanos durante nuestro tiempo de sueño y nos muestran posibilidades que vanmás allá de lo que tenemos por limitaciones físicas.

A veces organizan sueños especiales de sanación con los que nos liberamos del pasado y continuamos creciendo, o encontramos nuevas maneras de expresarnos que son más acordes con el estado que vamos a alcanzar. Ahora empiezan a facilitarnos el recuerdo y la enseñanza de modalidades ancestrales de sanación, tales como los Ejercicios Pleyadianos de Luz, que son el tema de los capítulos 5 al 14.

Otro tipo de comunicación con los humanos terrestres fue el que se dio en el invierno de 1992. Los Emisarios Pleyadianoshicieron posible para nosotros, los que nos encontramos viviendo vidas humanas, el viaje espacial casi instantáneo fuera del cuerpo entre la Tierra y la constelación pleyadiana. Hubo entonces una gran celebración, a la que tuve el privilegio de asistir, donde se reunieron los alumnos humanos de los Ejercicios de Luz con los miembros de la Federación Galáctica, incluyendo a losEmisarios Pleyadianos de Luz. También tuve la buena suerte de experimentar este viaje «fuera del espacio y del tiempo» cuando me llevaron a un planeta de uno de los sistemas solares de las Pléyades. La ida y la vuelta fueron cuestión de segundos.

El planeta al que me llevaron era maravilloso. Los pleyadianos que lo habitan han creado el equivalente a un museo de dimensiones planetarias donde todavía sobrevive cada una de las especies que ha existido en esta galaxia, incluyendo las extintas en la Tierra. Existen arboledas de especies que se extinguieron en la Tierra en tiempos prehistóricos.

Cuidar este museo es una de las responsabilidades favoritas de sus habitantes. Sin ni siquiera haber empezado a tocar la lista de cometidos específicos de las Tribus Arcangélicas Pleyadianas, os he dado una idea general de la gran variedad de su pericia y dedicación.

Los cirujanos psíquicos y los sanadores son los otros miembros de los Emisarios Pleyadianos de Luz con los que he tenido el privilegio de trabajar. No son arcángeles pleyadianos (mi abreviatura de las Tribus Angélicas de Luz), pero su colaboración es muy estrecha. En términos generales, los arcángeles pleyadianos son los instructores que asignan las tareas a realizar. Así como nosotros en la Tierra tenemos el Consejo Superior de los Doce que supervisa la totalidad de nuestro sistema solar, las Tribus Arcangélicas Pleyadianas de la Luz cumplen esa función en las Pléyades.

Así como nosotros tenemos ángeles, guías, Maestros Ascendidos y educadores trabajando bajo la mirada de nuestro Consejo Superior de los Doce, los pleyadianos tienen numerosos grupos que sirven a sus arcángeles. Estos arcángeles a su vez cuentan con un Ser Supremo a un nivel más amplio al que sirven como nuestro Consejo Superior al suyo.

Estas jerarquías no son de señores y vasallos en el sentido de ser unos «más que» y otros «menos que». La estructura se basa simplemente en la esencia especial presente en la naturaleza de todos los seres que, al llegar a ciertos niveles de evolución, desean profundamente dar y servir a otros. Por lo que se me ha dado a entender, este deseo se basa en el Amor Divino, cuya naturaleza la mayoría de los humanos se muestran incapaces de entender. También lo mueve lo mismo que nos empuja a seguir creciendo: el deseo de que la separación llegue a su fin para ser Uno con Dios/Diosa/Todo Lo Que Existe. Estos seres superiores anhelan ser de nuevo Uno con nosotros.

Puede que los nombres de las Tribus Arcangélicas os resulten familiares RaAn-raMa-at y Path, ya que se usaban frecuentemente en el 
Antiguo Egipto, sobre todo en la realeza. Los egipcios estaban en aquellos tiempos más avanzados espiritualmente que ahora. Los pleyadianos, incluyendo a las Tribus Arcangélicas, estaban en comunicación cotidiana con los antiguos egipcios, capaces de responderles durante la cima de su progreso espiritual.

Aprendieron de los pleyadianos la mayor parte de sus conocimientos espirituales, prácticas de sanación, desarrollo pleno del sentido de la percepción y una comprensión de la finalidad de la Tierra dentro del sistema solar, la galaxia y más allá de la misma.

En el Antiguo Egipto muchos pleyadianos tomaron cuerpo humano mientras otros trabajaban en dimensiones superiores con los soñadores, videntes, sanadores, sacerdotes y sacerdotisas, incluso con la realeza. Sus objetivos comunes eran la evolución global del planeta y la raza humana, así como almacenar el suficiente conocimiento superior aquí en la Tierra para que, al llegar el momento del Gran Despertar, contásemos con lo necesario.

Por supuesto, Egipto no fue la única civilización que recibió estos dones.

Pleiades Interview with Adrian

Part 1
May 8, 1996

A type 3 variation beamship taken by Adrain in 1994 on the golf course adjacent to his condo in Miami. It is capable of both interstellar flight and time travel. The Pleiadian's open their invisibility screens just enough to be photographed and remain cloaked to all other observers. It is starttling that these are the same ships filmed by Billy Meier in Switzerland 20 years ago.
Sean: So, with the loss of your contact notes, you are probably going to have to pretty much start all over from the beginning today.....

Adrain: Yes, I suppose I should.

Sean: Because the things that we are going over are very important, they have every thing to do with what is happening on our little earth. Tell me about the pendant you are wearing. [The pendant appears to be a large yellow faceted sapphire about the size of a small egg.]

Adrain: What do you think of it, eh?

Sean: I think it is beautiful. It looks like a yellow sapphire.

Adrain: Actually it’s a citren. It’s a thing I wanted but I didn’t know exactly how it would come about. I needed a jewel that would perform certain functions. [Laughs] Looks like you have one too! [He points at the medallion around my neck.]

Sean: It’s called a nuclear receptor....

Adrain: That’s interesting. That comes from Fred Bell, yes?

Sean: Yes. Dr. Fred Bell. He sends his regards by the way. He is also a UFO contactee.

Adrain: [Holding up his pendant] I wanted something that I could work with for certain reasons, certain personal things, and so I just sent out the thought. Then the Pleiadians came in and said they were going to give me something. In this case it was from someone else. A friend of mine called and said, “I have this beautiful thing for you!” When I saw it I freaked out! Because it was exactly what I wanted, the shape and every-thing. So they used her as a mediator, you know?

Sean: Does it have any particularly unique powers of abilities, or is it just nice?

Adrain: It seems just nice, but it’s used to reflect back negativity. Anything as far as thoughts from people or actions or whatever, it will be reflected right back at them.

Sean: So you were born originally in Cuba?

Adrain: Havana, Cuba, yes.

Sean: When’s your birthday?

Adrain: This one... this body.... was born 11/19/1955.

Sean: And in 1965 you came here to Miami?

Adrain: Well, the boy came here in 1960 and in 1965 was when the approach and the soul transfer occurred. Let’s talk about that a little bit.

The boy’s physical body was very poor. He was partially mentally retarded and in very bad physical condition. He [I] was throwing a ball in the air when he [I] saw a V-shaped phalanx of ships coming across the sky. The lead ship began to glow very brightly and descend. He [I] thought it was a plane crashing so the boy ran towards his bike, and before he could make it, he was taken up in the ship. Inside the craft was when the boy first saw Adrain.

He is from a planet called Romel in the Koran star system, some 950 years in our linear future. The boy was placed in a glass cylinder and his soul essence was removed and healed, where it was incarnated in a much more positive environment. Then Adrain laid down in a second glass cylinder. There was a device that looked like a large white box, like a refrigerator, placed horizontally, with glowing tubes coming out of the glass cylinder into and out of the white box.Adrain transferred maybe 10 or 20% of his mind and soul into this body, so that he could exist simultaneously in the future and in this Earth time-line. Like an archeologist or anthropologist that has found a way to travel in time and not disrupt the structure of the time he is studying.

When I got up out of the glass cylinder on the ship, and I saw this huge blonde being, it was like looking in a mirror. Like looking back at myself.

Sean: So you are saying that you are not simply a ‘Contactee’, a human being in contact with extraterrestials, but that you are, in fact, one of them?

Adrain: [Smiles] When I came in, I came in full consciousness. During the process of days I started losing my original memory, except the most important thing: Who I was. That was never lost. I retain only certain memories. Now, I’m sort of trying to recuperate. I sort of went down for a long time and now I’m on my way back up. Little by little. In other words, I’ve been left with about 5% of the whole consciousness. Everything else is in the other one [the ET]. So I am very human now, you know?

When I came in, I took over all the mentally retarded boy’s debts, his karma. That was part of the deal in the astral plane, so that he could progress very quickly in his new incarnation. When I had fixed his karma to a comfortable degree, then I left his family. I’ll never forget it. The Pleiadians came into my room one day and said they had orders from the Pleiadian High Council. “
You’ve got to leave as soon as possible. Everything is arranged for you, because the vibrations here in the home are interfering with our contacts.”
I was a little surprised in a way, but I was expecting it. The Pleiadians said,
"Don’t worry, everything is fine. Everything will be O.K. We have contacts, and we’ve made arrangements, don’t worry about any-thing. Just pack up, and we’ll take care of everything.”
Sean: How old were you when this happened?

Adrain: Umm... around 16 or 17, I think.

Sean: Where were you? Was this in the United States? In Miami? Where did you move to when you were 16?

Adrain: That’s a curious thing. I did what they told me, packed everything. Then I get a call from a friend of mine, saying to meet these guys who just came from Japan, a martial artist, staying for a while in Miami. Oh, I said, ‘Man, that’s for me’, I love martial arts! Then I went to see them, and we became friends, and evidently they saw something, maybe not strange, but different in me, and they asked me if I wanted to join them, and become part of the group, and I said, ‘Oh this is the connection for me!’ So I went to live with these people, and I became a black belt and got involved with the Buddhist philosophy.

Sean: Did they have an Ashram, like a Dojo, here in Miami?

Adrain: Yes, here in Miami. They had a shrine in their house. So, I lived with them for months. I went to live with a friend that I met there with them for about a year. After that I got a job. Then I lived on my own and finally I got my own apartment. But I stayed in close contact with all of them, training for my Black Belt.

Sean: So you started out being very independent, very young.

Adrain: Very young. ‘They’ started kicking me, really early, to make me mature at a very accelerated rate at many levels, and told me not to depend on anyone and not to trust many people.

Sean: Do you ever see your mother and father here much?

Adrain: No, they’re dead, physically, now.

Sean: Oh. I’m sorry.

Adrain: They were pretty old. At that time, with that family. I have a half brother in New York, and that’s about it. I don’t have any more family.

Sean: What happened to the physical soul of the... I’m not sure what his original name was, but the original soul of the other body. The small boy you once were.

Adrain: They told me they took him to South America to reincarnate, in a family, which was very interestingly, a family with money, and they are into metaphysical things. So, he is much better off. The deal was pretty good for him. Good for him, for us, for everybody. Because he was not going to make it. He was dying, and emotionally he wasn’t well with that fanatically religious family. They were driving him crazy, you know.

I was going crazy there, too. There were times I would come from school, and I’d see priests and psychiatrists in the house, because they thought that the devil was in me. That’s what they were saying.

Sean: Is that why?

Adrain: Yeah, because I would fool around with these people. Tell them the future, tell them sometimes what they were dreaming, and this bothered them. I’d see what they would do. I spoke to these people like they were an experiment in the house, you know. Not in a malicious way, you know? I just wanted to see some reaction, to learn myself, and how they would take things, you know. I would play around like that, but, what really did it, was within three weeks of my coming into his body, I left the Church, that’s what really did it. Then the harassment and abuse got really very strong.

Sean: You left the Catholic Church? When you were 10, and you told your parents you didn’t want to go anymore?

Adrain: Yup! That’s it. Just like that.

Sean: When was your first physical contact? When was the first time that you actually rode on a ship, do you remember it? Physically, after you got your new body.

Adrain: Hmmm... I’ve got to think back. Because there were times it was done physically and there were times it was done astrally, and sometimes that is very similar to the physical. I think the next time was right away, immediately, and this was in a matter of days, in the same park. And then I remember once, outside the Orange Bowl.... I would come with my bike, and with my footballs, and just started kicking, and stayed till very late at night.

Sean: So you were out playing football, and they came down and got you?

Adrain: That’s how it would happen for the contact.

Sean: Outside the Orange Bowl? Was it outside, or actually in the Orange Bowl?

Adrain: No, no. In the parking lot, on the grass field, they have a big thing there. It is changed today from when the original abduction took place. Before it was bigger. And that’s how they would do it, you know? My little bike, a bag of footballs. I was pretty good at kicking footballs. I was a kicker for Miami High and I was aiming to become a Pro, and even once, some people from the New England Patriots, back then they were the Boston Patriots. They came right up to the field, and they told me, ‘You are a good field goal kicker. You can play for us.’

So I started preparing everything to go. Something told me to drop it, because that would have taken me in another direction in my life, so, I turned them down. But, today, I still have the little part of me that asks ‘how could it have been?’ I could have played pro football, can you imagine?

Sean: Well, we have better things planned for you, believe me. And, so do the Pleiadians, I guess. Did they ever give you a reason, as to why particularly they chose the body that you are in now? As to why they chose you at that time?

Adrain: Because one of the things they told me was that they knew the people in the family, a lot of the family members of this body. And all the incarnations. They have had conflict with the same people that live in that family of the little boy. Not only that, but there were things there from the past, dangling, that had to be conquered and resolved. But on top of everything else, on many levels, that was proper, for me to get excellent experience. Which I did. It was an excellent school. It was hard, it almost destroyed me many times. That’s the whole thing. It was very good. It matured me. It helped me in many ways, on many levels. So many things like that were considered. The learning processes, the karmic process... it was all so carefully planned. That’s why. That’s the main reason.

So, I met a lot of people that were not for me. But also I had things to accomplish with them and to learn. So, until today I am still learning just a little bit more until I leave this area. I’m going to go at any moment, I’m not sure.

They don’t tell me everything. You know how it works. They don’t like to interfere. They might alter things. I guess I needed the energy here. They are always saying, ‘You become a teacher in this area, so negative and so adverse, boy, you can feel satisfied’, do you know what I mean? You can become a good teacher. That’s what’s happening to me. I want to do something else better now.

Sean: When do you feel you absolutely have to be out of Miami?

Adrain: I think absolutely, before three years. Because there are things that can happen before. But since I know that things can be changed, I always try to say that things can be either altered or pushed away.

Sean: Negative things?

Adrain: Things that have to do with geological disturbance and stuff like that. And I’m not always thinking about that. And I don’t care too much. I always think that if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. You will be at the right place at the right time. You don’t have to be thinking of getting money to buy property in North Carolina, or afraid of this or afraid of that. I don’t believe in that. I don’t think in that way, anyway. You could be in the most dangerous places and the ship will come down right in an instant and take you and that’s it.

Sean: Exactly what do they want?

Adrain: They want stability right now. I know that for some it doesn’t make any sense, it may even hurt them, but again, they say " have faith!", they are in control, and there is nothing to worry about. Some people, they see me as a little shaky, they think that maybe I’m a little crazy, that I’m a liar.

Maybe my case could be fake. It is for our convenience. That’s how I can proceed and work real good and then when the time comes, we’ll launch a plan of concrete evidence, and then suddenly everybody will be exposed from behind their mask. That’s what we’re doing now. You just have to trust me. We are out to expose everybody that doesn’t belong. Those people are going to stay behind, and whoever wants to come back later, we will not let them. So, I think that’s what we are going to do.

We are going to work with what we have, and I’ll give you a little bit once in a while in the form of photos and video.
Adrain took this photo of a type 2 variation craft in flight several thousand feet in the air through the 'window' of another beamship that he was riding on. Notice the high clouds in the background. These photos have been thoroughly analyzed by photo/computer expert Don Selwin of Imaging Services, a NASA contractor, and found to be completely authentic.
Sean: With the video tape “THE MIAMI CONTACTS”, and Randy Winters book “THE PLEIADIAN MISSION”, and the network TV special I have planned, many people will be talking about your case and everybody will come along with their strong opinion one way or the other.

Adrain: Because there will come a time that the powerful, straight hard core, undeniable evidence, will be brought to light. But these people, they will not be able to be a part of my project. They are going to want it, but they will not be allowed, don’t let them in, don’t talk to them. They had their chance.

They could have said ‘Well, maybe, this is a little strange, but let’s give the guy a chance’, you know, and that shows they have a heart and they want to know the truth as people. At least it will not eliminate them very quickly. Those are the ones we want to find out where they are. But the others, the disbelievers, they’re not getting anything in the future, on any level. So I’m finding out already who to trust and who not to.

Sean: Was there a connection between the ETs and Nazi Germany?

Adrain: Yes. Through the Thule and Vril Secret Societies. The ETs they originally made contact with were very negative. But even those ETs, because of certain reasons, they, too, are also changing. They are getting Higher. I will see what happens and how they behave when the.... thing hits the fan.... how do you say?

All of them as a group together, the original people that were part of that scenario in WW II, we will see how much they have really changed. I know at least these Germans have changed a great deal. Now the ETs, I think they still have a little bit more to go, but they are changing. Their leader, this Ashtar Sheran.....

Sean: What’s the leader’s name?

Adrain: Ashtar Sheran. He is also called Aruseak, which is his real name.

Sean: Yes?

Adrain: He gave them [the Germans] the technology, and he helped all of them, along with Hitler, get away. That has nothing to do with the fact that the Nine Families had this technology even before all this. Hitler got his technology around the 30’s. These people that were in control of Hitler and in control of the Nazi party, The Thule Society, the real bastards, all this stuff, the whole thing.... The Nine Families had all this technology long before it was given to Hitler and the Germans... since the 1800s. The Nine Families started very strong contacts with the evil ETs hundreds of years ago and they helped them with the building of all this advanced stuff.

Sean: You’re saying Ashtar was the one that helped Hitler get away?

Adrain: Yes. He has done some very bad things. But, he may at some time in the future change... we will see. He is aPleiadian Renegade, this Ashtar.

Sean: Is that so?

Adrain: He is an old Pleiadian Renegade.

Sean: Why would the Nine Families choose the Germans to begin the release of this technology? Or to develop this technology?

Adrain: Because the Germans, they chose them as their Police. Because the Germans are the closest thing genetically to the Nine Family’s forefathers. They have alien genetics from these ETs. They are Old Lyrans and Pleiadians. The old war-like Lyrans and Pleiadians who raped and pillaged across the galaxy millions of years ago. That’s why during the war they.... Hmm..... give me time so I can explain something. You guys know already, more or less, but people should know.

The wars, like all wars, are always controlled by the Nine Families ever since who knows when. Generation from generation. Just to make money, create mass genocide to control the populace and to take over land. They always control everybody that’s involved. They have reunions of these Insider people and they say, ‘Well, now tomorrow it is your turn to bring your troops and destroy all his troops.’ It is like fake wrestling. They get together and create a fake scenario, and everybody gets a piece of pie, and that’s what’s been happening for thousands of years.

They chose the SS and all these people, the Germans, who actually have become the police, for the time being, while they were doing all these things, and World War II and before, and in the future also, because actually they were also the ones that created the CIA.... the Germans did. The Germans are all of the high instructors of the CIA installations, wherever they are. All the teachers are German till this day. There is no contract saying that that is the way it’s supposed to be, but it is just the law, and that’s the way it is. They are all in control.

Sean: Do you remember the names? You mentioned the Nine Families a couple of times. Do you remember the names of the nine families?

Adrain: Yes, I know, but, I would not like to say.

Sean: Are the Rothschilds the leaders? Are the Hapsburgs involved?

Adrain: [Smiles cryptically.]

Sean: How about the Royal families?

Adrain: You are not going to put this out are you?

Sean: We want to know just for ourselves. I won’t put anything out there unless you say that it’s all right.

Adrain: No. You can say what’s going on. But, leave the names out. Because that’s negative Karma, and we don’t want to damage anybody, either. We’ve got to remember, they are also us, and they have a right to do what they’re doing, just like we have a right to do what we are doing. But we are not going to injure anybody either, even though we know what they are doing, it is OK. But that’s all part of the Plan. And the other people that you know, those commissions. What is it? The Trilateral and the CFR, they are just people getting used.

Sean: Are all of the nine families represented in the Bilderberger meetings?

Adrain: Yes, they are in charge of all these people. All these groups... the Bilderbergers that you mentioned. What was another one that you said?

Sean: The Council on Foreign Relations.

Adrain: I have a friend that used to be a chef for these people when they got together. With a very high Clearance in the Luftwaffe. You know? He was a German. He said every-body was there in a NATO meeting, in the time when Nixon was the president. My friend is in the corner fixing the food, and then he hears Nixon start talking about something that my friend doesn’t remember, and demanding some things.

But in the middle of the room, where Nixon was sitting, at a long table, there were three guys. Very young, good looking, dressed very nice. And all through the reunion they were very quiet and weird. They didn’t talk once to anybody. When Nixon started talking, the guy in the middle started yelling at Nixon saying, “You are stupid! You keep your mouth shut!” My friend, when he saw and heard that, he was freaking out.

He said that Nixon actually physically hung his head down and wouldn’t look the man in the eye. Nixon’s face turned red and he started trembling, like a child being scolded. Now, who was the guy in the middle? And the other two next to him? They were no more than 30 years old, yelling at the President of the United States!

Sean: I wonder if Watergate happened after that?

Adrain: I know! [Laughs] And after that came Watergate.

Sean: Do these Nine Families have access to the bases on the moon?

Adrain: They are the ones that have had this advanced super technology since the 1800’s, I believe. Who knows before that, I don’t know. A loooong time. The thing that happened to the Nazis was giving them some part of the technology that they allowed them to have. It’s like they were giving it to The Police for when the war was over. I’m going to get to that later. You will see how I’m going to connect it. If I don’t, remind me.

Sean: It’s all right.

Adrain: They knew that after the war everybody involved was not going to destroy everything. The Consciousness was totally all about just making money. So they needed Nazis to go and construct the CIA, who actually take care of these people, the former Nazi war criminals, when they go all around internationally, to establish themselves. That’s what the CIA originally was set up for. 

Sean: As their own private police force?

Adrain: Yes! And that’s exactly what it is to this day. To this day! But, the Nine Families have technology from those secret scientists that no one will ever know about. All the scientists that are German, and the ones that came after World War II... they are the ones on the moon. They are the ones on Mars. They’ve been there ever since the 40s. In the 40s they brought some French and some Japanese, too. Hundreds of thousands of people are up there. Hundreds of thousands of people all living under-ground. They literally have made it like an earth. They have lakes, they have trees, they’ve got everything. They can survive forever, they don’t need anything. I have seen all this when I travel there on the astral plane.

Sean: Underground on Mars?

Adrain: And on the Moon, both.

Sean: Were there any indigenous people on Mars that protested when they went up there? Was there anybody left on Mars?

Adrain: No. But in another dimension, yes. But not physically in how we see it. It is all deserted.
Sean: On the Moon, the huge tower that the NASA scientist Richard Hoagland’s talking about. Tell me what that is. (click image right)

Adrain: It’s like an airport, like the thing over at the Miami airport, a control tower.

Sean: Richard Hoagland says it is 20 miles high and is made out of glass? It’s a communications tower for an airport?

Adrain: Yes. But that has to do with the Old Wars with Malona, from long ago, hundreds of thousands of years back. I don’t think they are using it now for anything. They have probably tried to activate it but I don’t know if they have been successful. It is just like many of the things I have seen on Mars. The towers, pyramids and monuments and all.
[Ed. NoteMalona is the name the Pleiadians gave to the 5th planet in our Solar System which blew itself to smithereens in a great war over 200,000 years ago. What remains of Malona is now the Asteroid Belt.] 
Sean: Have you been up close to those and seen them at all?

Adrain: In the Astral plane. Many years ago I saw all of the power. Like a giant speedway, what do you call it? Like a runway. It looked deserted. But most of this is under-ground.

Sean: So what do these Nine Families have planned for us and the rest of the world in the next few years? First off: How do you know the plan, and how do you know what they have planned?

Adrain: [Laughs] Man, that’s a heavy question! One, because I was part of it once. In another incarnation I was one of these people.

Sean: One of the Nine Families?

Adrain: Part of it. Not directly. One of the officers.

Sean: How long ago?

Adrain: In the 1930’s. Don’t get confused. Don’t worry. Because we can go and have millions of lifetimes, in between the lives we have here on earth, with things like that in my memory of what I’ve seen.

Sean: What are their plans? You spoke earlier about three things.

Adrain: The first thing is to create a mass genocide. Because they are under orders from the powers of the ‘Older Ones’, The Old Renegade Lyrans from Atlantis and their descendents. These guys were the great Overlords called the YHWH.

Sean: What are they called?

Adrain: The YHWH, [Ich Whick] which is a title meaning ’Supreme Leader’ or ’Wisdom King’.

Sean: Ish wish?

Adrain: The correct pronunciation of it is ICH Whick. Some people say Yahweh or Jehovah, but Ich Whick is the correct pronunciation because the power is created when you say it correctly. It is very powerful. It comes from the original Lyran which comes from a language that was created by the life force. It brings out powers. Like singing it, you know? The Hebrews used this name, but were never allowed to ever pronounce it!

They have orders from the Old Overlords to create a mass genocide. Because from that clean up, they are supposed to create a new race, stronger people, from the human beings that are left, so that they can actually reincarnate with their servants and officers. They are coming back! Jehovah the Terrible is one of them!

Because they cannot escape the vibration of the earth. They didn’t belong here originally. They died here and so they are stuck here. They cannot incarnate because they will explode a regular human body. The vibration here that is pulling them, they can’t escape. Naturally, this is a big problem for them. But, they are the ones behind all the trouble you have seen in the history of the world.

These Overlords are stuck in the Astral world and cannot progress any further. They want to come back here into this dimensional plane. These are the families of the aliens that were actually responsible for the destruction of Atlantis. They are still here. They want to create a whole global genocide, to re-create a super race. That is the whole mystery behind everything that is going on.

Then they want to leave some percentage of sub-humans, to use as a slave race that is human but also part robo-toid. Using their technology to make them easier to control, such as implants.

Sean: This ‘slave race’ is probably going to be us!

Adrain: It is incredible what they have planned! These people don’t know which race they are going to use as the ‘servants’ yet. Probably everybody who is left over.

They are scheming so many things. They are planning another war. Like they planned all of the others. They actually not only make money and help each other but they are looking at killing a fantastic amount of people they have a problem with. So they are doing that. They have all these designer drugs. The designer viruses. The microwaves. All of the technology. You think that you know about most of it, but you can’t even dream of what they have! They wantcomplete Genocide and a remodeling of the earth human species.

They are attempting constantly to accelerate the spin of the Earth with atomic blasts to switch the poles, cause that’s a convenient way to eliminate a lot of people, and sort out all the trash or ’sub-humans’, as they call all of you. Down here everything is cleared so that they can come back. That’s one reason they are establishing an entire civilization on the Moon and Mars. So, that they can leave it all behind, and then come back and make everything new.

Sean: Who is going to stop them? What do you think will happen?

Adrain: They are going to kill themselves off in the end. Because of the vibration of the New Era. The New Zodiac energy fields of Aquarius.
Another incredible photo taken 'ship to ship' by Adrain, from out the 'window' of another craft in flight.
Notice not only the height from which this photo is taken,
but the actual mist of the clouds wrapping around the fuselage.
Sean: The Ascension Frequency?

Adrain: Yes! That is an excellent name for it! They won’t be able to go against us. That energy works in a very interesting way, because it is amplifying and combining all the energies we have but consciously and on purpose. It also comes from the Collective Consciousness... from Beings from the center of the galaxy and the center of the Universe. Mostly from our galaxy. This energy is activating our DNA on purpose at the start of the Aquarian age, and it is hitting everybody in a serious way as a natural power boost.

The people that are unbalanced, will become more unbalanced, and the people who are metaphysical, will become even more metaphysical. More good beautiful hearts and more love. So it amplifies whatever is in you. These guys that we are talking about, they chose as a learning procedure for their own souls to be very unbalanced. So, this energy is going to kill them. They are going to kill themselves off. They are going to go crazy totally, or explode or just die. I mean, that’s it. They can’t and they won’t be able to hold the energy. They cannot run from this one!

Sean: Is that what Project HAARP [High Altitude Aural Research Project] is about and all of the electro-magnetic frequency bombardment and all the pollution? They are trying to actually destroy the evolving DNA of the human race?

Adrain: Well, yes, they are doing that because they know that people are becoming very dangerous. They are finding out what has been going on all this time, and it is now or never. So, they are very nervous, and very afraid. That’s why they are microwaving us and destroying the quality of our food. They want to do something now. They are against the wall. They know about the energy of the Ascension and the Zodiac. They know all about the energy of the Collective Consciousness. They know the people are changing and they know something can happen, and that the Alliance will come to interfere. They are not going to, but, that’s why they have the moon bases, the military bases, all that weaponry out there in case of an attack. All the Star Wars stuff. But not an attack from an alien race, like people think.

No. It’s an attack from the actual GALACTIC GOVERNMENT. Like a parent coming down to a little kid starting a fire, spanking them and saying, “That’s enough! No more!” They are afraid. They felt all this weaponry was for a war against Russia or China. No, no, no!

It is to be used against the benevolent Alien Alliance should they interfere, or against us if we evolve to far. They know that they can’t get away with what they are doing here forever.

Sean: Who is the Alliance? 
Adrain: The Universal Alliance of Planets. 
Sean: How many are there?

Adrain: That’s what I forgot. All that information was in my notes.

Sean: 48 evolving worlds in this sector? More than that?

Adrain: No, no. Lots more. It is a line that is established in all dimensions, everywhere and it has a lot of ramifications. One Confederation is aligned with another, and that is confederated with another alliance. They are all interconnected by various treaties and agreements. So, the family’s membership is endless. It goes into other universes. I had it all down, all the numbers, in my notes, which someone has taken. I had the membership of the aliens that controlled this part of the galaxy, which is in Andromeda.

Sean: Andromeda the galaxy or Andromeda the constellation?

Adrain: Oh, both. Both are very high and both have a great deal to do with it for some reason.

Sean: Getting back to the future. What’s the other thing, beyond the genocide? Oh, OK, the first thing is the genocidal war. Where and when is it going to start?

Adrain: In Europe and the Middle East.

Sean: Who are going to be the major players in it?

Adrain: Israel will have something to do with it and the people in the Mediterranean. And then later on, China will get involved. Little by little everybody will end up losing control and getting dragged into it. But, of course, at the top, the leaders are all saved and uniting just like we are doing. Thinking this out and planning it all. No one is really the enemy of anybody. I’m sorry. People are just in the way like always pawns in a game of chess.

Sean: How long does the next war last?

Adrain: Two or three years.

Sean: That’s all? Do you know when it starts?

Adrain: Supposedly around 1998 or 1999. They have the plans all laid out, the goal in numbers for the elimination of a certain number of people.

Sean: How many?

Adrain: I had it all written down.

Sean: Take a guess...

Adrain: Several billions...

Sean: Do they use atomic weapons?

Adrain: They are more advanced than atomic weapons. It was something more strange. It was weather control technology they were using . If I can remember when I saw it, they were creating huge winds. So maybe 5 hurricanes at the same time. You know just one can do a lot.
Another incredible photo taken 'ship to ship' by Adrain, from out the 'window' of another craft in flight. Notice not only the height from which this photo is taken, but the actual mist of the clouds wrapping around the fuselage.
Sean: So it’s made to look like natural disasters?

Adrain: Yes. They use different weapons. Weapons that people have never seen before, and can’t even imagine. It is something out of a fantastic movie, from an acid trip, or whatever, it was really something strange.

Sean: So like earthquake inducing devices, hurricane inducing devices?

Adrain: Yes, weather control. 
Sean: So, we won’t think it’s war, will we? We’ll think it’s all natural disasters.

Adrain: Then that’s the excuse to use regular simple conventional weapons because people don’t have any food, and that’s the biggest problem. Nations might still have something stored, some grain, and other nations will come to take all that land to survive. They order the stupid captains in the lower ranks around to do it. They think they are playing a real war, you know? So they will actually go out and start a lower war with conventional weapons. It will go from artificially induced atmospheric and geological problems and I’m afraid that it will go to conventional weapons after that.

Sean: What’s the next thing, the second thing you were saying. There were three things?

Adrain: Oh... remind me.

Sean: Genocide was the first one of the goals of the Nine Families. There were two more?

Adrain: The second one: genetically engineering the perfect special bodies for the slave race, and then engineering a perfect body that can hold the unique energies for the ETs who want to come in, who have no where to go. TheCustodial Aliens who consider this their real estate. They are not going to give up until they get this world. They have it already, but they just want to taste it a little better than they can now. For them it’s like smelling a good steak but not being able to eat it. And finally they want total control of the Earth and this entire sector of space.

Sean: Why don’t they just take it all over tomorrow? They’ve got all the power. What’s stopping them?

Adrain: There are a lot of good people in this world. Our vibration, in itself, is what stops them. We are the last line of defense, whether we know it or not. Our own power field. There is a lot of good love, a lot of good open hearts, a lot of cosmic warriors and benevolent aliens helping out, too. Very subtly. They are also very afraid that if they come to far out into the open, it could backfire.

Sean: They are not in a hurry, are they?

Adrain: Huh, yes, yes! The benevolent aliens are in the way! We are in the way! There are a lot of good things happening. They just can’t take over like that. Their energy is very powerful, but fragile... easily burned away. That is how it is with the Forces of Darkness. It only takes one small candle to light a whole room. They just have to make sure we don’t light that candle.

Sean: Is there another great Anti-Christ, another great world leader that comes to power?

Adrain: There’s a probability. But not definite... with a stamp.

Sean: Nostradamus talks about the third great Anti-Christ, the guy in the blue turban. I have had some runins with him and his uncle on the astral plane. The coming Arab leader of the Islamic/China confederation. Have you seen any of that?

Adrain: He comes in saying that he is one of the incarnations of an old prophet from the Bible, and that the Bible says that his coming has been predicted. He is coming out as a religious figure. Very good looking, too, very strong. He is incarnated already but if he is going to do all that, we don’t know yet. It could change. There is a man who comes to great power, but it is the fall of the Church he is connected with it.

Sean: The fall of the Catholic Church?

Adrain: Yes, but I saw that more concrete. That’s more favorable. It was more strong. I could grab it more. But, the other guy, no one may ever even know he is here, but he can become something else. And then people would say, ‘They lie, the psychics were wrong!” I say no, things just went another direction.
