sábado, 12 de julio de 2014

Biblioteca Pleyades Weekly Newsletter

Julio / July  12, 2014  

Enlaces Rápidos
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Amigos de Biblioteca Pleyades,

Les enviamos algunos enlaces de Artículos Destacados de las ultimas "Novedades Semanales", para una eventual mayor accesibilidad por parte de Ustedes.


La elección de "Artículos Destacados" es realizada por "nosotros". Vuestra elección podría ser diferente a la nuestra. Aconsejamos ver toda la lista de "Novedades Semanales" y decidir por uno mismo.


Un fraternal saludo y hasta la próxima semana,


Biblioteca Pléyades


Ustedes mismos eligieron estar aquí,

están en una misión para refrescar la memoria

y llevar el valor de la existencia humana,

de nuevo a la vanguardia de la creación.


Ustedes son necesarios.

Ustedes se han estado entrenando para esta misión durante muchas vidas,

y no vinieron aquí sin preparación.

Todo lo que necesitan saber ahora está dentro de ustedes

y es su tarea recordar su entrenamiento.


Este no es un lapso de vida

en donde a ustedes se les va a enseñar nueva información.


Como hemos dicho antes,

este es un lapso de vida

donde van a recordar lo que ya saben,

y nosotros estamos aquí

sólo para hacerles recordar.






Friends of Biblioteca Pleyades,

We sent you some links of Featured Articles from latest "Weekly News" for a possible greater accessibility. 


The choice of "Featured Articles" is done by "us". Your choice may be different from ours. We advise you to see the whole list of "Weekly News" and decide by yourself.


Fraternal greetings, and will be till next week,


Biblioteca Pleyades


You, yourself, chose to be here,

you are on assignment to bring memory forward

and to bring the value of human existence

back to the forefront of Creation.


You are needed.

You have been in training for this assignment for lifetimes,

and you did not come unprepared.


All that you need to know now is inside of you

and it is your task to remember your training.


This is not a lifetime

when you are going to be taught new information.

As we said before,

this is the lifetime when you are going to remember

what you already know

and we are just here

to remind you of it.






Amici di Biblioteca Pleyades,
Vi inviamo alcuni collegamenti relativi ad Articoli Scelti delle ultime "Novitá della Settimana" per renderli più accessibili.


Siamo "noi" a selezionare l'elenco degli "Articoli Scelti". La vostra scelta potrebbe essere diversa dalla nostra. Vi consigliamo di vedere tutto l'elenco di "Novità della Settimana" e decidere da voi.


Un fraterno saluto e alla prossima settimana,


Biblioteca Pleyades


Voi avete scelto di stare qui,

siete in missione per rinverdire la memoria

e per portare il valore dell'umana esistenza

nuovamente in prima linea.


Voi siete necessari.
Vi siete allenati per questa missione durante molte vite

e non siete venuti qui senza essere preparati.
Tutto quello di cui avete bisogno adesso sta dentro di voi

ed è vostro compito ricordare la vostra formazione.


In questo periodo di vita

non vi sarà data una nuova formazione.

Come anzidetto,

questo è un periodo di vita in cui ricorderete

ciò che già sapete

e noi siamo quì

solo per farvi ricordare.


Enlaces Semanales - Weekly Links

Como Abortarán la Revolución
Seguro que ya te has dado cuenta. Lo puedes notar a tu alrededor y percibirlo en las calles y en el ambiente... Estamos al borde de una REVOLUCIÓN. Un completo cambio de paradigma a escala planetaria y a todos los niveles. El viejo sistema, corrupto y putrefacto, se tambalea y los viejos equilibrios socio-económicos y geopolíticos se hunden ante nuestros ojos, en vivo y en directo. Cada vez más gente despierta de su letargo y levanta la voz reclamando justicia y una redistribución más equitativa de las riquezas. Exigen un mundo mejor, más limpio, solidario y transparente, y lo hacen cada vez con mayor rabia y convicción.
Continúe leyendo...

 Mas Artículos: 


Physicists Seek Help to Build Nikola Tesla's 'Planetary Energy Transmitter'
Imagine clean wireless energy available for anyone in the world to tap into; zero-emission cars and planes, self-charging electronics, and wireless appliances all harnessing energy with a radio antenna. It may sound like science fiction, but it's actually based on century-old discoveries by Nikola Tesla. It was his plan for the Wardenclyffe Tower until it was squashed by industrialists because they could not control and meter it. The tower was to be a magnifier and transmitter of radio waves through the atmosphere that electronic devices could freely draw from. While many micro-uses of this type of energy are beginning to emerge, a large scale application is still absent.
Continue reading...


Today's Oligarch Curtain of Lies, Theft, Death and Destruction are Exposed as Never Before

In psychology our belief system shapes our perceptions of the world around us, in fact becoming our very sense of reality. Our primary caregivers, most often our parents, project their view of us and their world onto us and we in turn internalize their views as our own sense of developing self and world view. In this last century the influence of mass media has also come to increasingly shape our world and self-concept. As adolescents and young adults we often change and modify our perceptions of the world based on our own interpersonal experience particularly with peers and movement to finding resonance with a more authentic, individuated self in relation to our surrounding world. Continue reading..



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