viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

Today's Words of Wisdom

Love does not bind another but finds goodness within and sets him or her free.

From "The Starting Point of Happiness", written by Master Ryuho Okawa

<<A New Article on The Liberty Web,The Online English Magazine>>

<An Old Moral Judgment: Japan Exploited Asian Colonies / A Statement of Fact: Unlike the West, Japan Advanced Modernization>
Koreans call the time of Japan's rule over Korea, "Japanese Imperialism, 36 Years" and emphasize how Koreans were oppressed. However, the truth is different. Hard-earned tax money equaling today's 6 trillion yen, was invested to set up infrastructures such as railways and hydroelectric power plants. Schools were built and enrollment was dramatically improved. In these ways modernization was advanced. It was the same in Taiwan. Such situations were unseen under Western colonial...
Read the article>>

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Books by Master Ryuho Okawa
The Liberty Web, The Online English Magazine:
The Liberty has been providing articles on news commentaries and opinions in many categories, such as politics, economics, social issues, religions, and spiritual knowledge, based on the teachings of Master Ryuho Okawa. It is also known as an influential media in Japan.
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