| | Septiembre / September 20, 2014
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Enlaces Rápidos Quick Links | | --> Español Amigos de Biblioteca Pleyades, Les enviamos algunos enlaces de Artículos Destacados de las ultimas "Novedades Semanales", para una eventual mayor accesibilidad por parte de Ustedes. La elección de "Artículos Destacados" es realizada por "nosotros". Vuestra elección podría ser diferente a la nuestra. Aconsejamos ver toda la lista de "Novedades Semanales" y decidir por uno mismo. Un fraternal saludo y hasta la próxima semana, Biblioteca Pléyades --> Antes de que ustedes encarnaran, se comprometieron con los acontecimientos diseñados, que dispararían sus códigos o plantillas que activarían sus memorias, entonces encarnaron y se olvidaron. Todos ustedes han tenido sus plantillas y códigos encendidos en alguna medida, porque entienden que hay un propósito transcendental o un plan transcendental y que ustedes son parte de él. Ustedes sostienen la historia del universo dentro su cuerpo físico. Fuente English --> Friends of Biblioteca Pleyades, We sent you some links of Featured Articles from latest "Weekly News" for a possible greater accessibility. The choice of "Featured Articles" is done by "us". Your choice may be different from ours. We advise you to see the whole list of "Weekly News" and decide by yourself. Fraternal greetings, and will be till next week, Biblioteca Pleyades -->T--> Before you came into the body, all of you committed to the designing events that would fire your codings or blue-prints that would activate your memories, then you came into the body and you forgot. All of you have had your blue prints and codings fired to some extent because you understand that there is a transcendental purpose or a transcendental plan that you are a part of. You hold the history of the universe within your physical body. Source --> Italiano Amici di Biblioteca Pleyades, Vi inviamo alcuni collegamenti relativi ad Articoli Scelti delle ultime "Novitá della Settimana" per renderli più accessibili. Siamo "noi" a selezionare l'elenco degli "Articoli Scelti". La vostra scelta potrebbe essere diversa dalla nostra. Vi consigliamo di vedere tutto l'elenco di "Novità della Settimana" e decidere da voi. Un fraterno saluto e alla prossima settimana, Biblioteca Pleyades --> Prima di incarnarvi, tutti vi siete impegnati sui fatti progettati che abrebbero acceso i vostri codici o piani che attivavano le vostre memorie, solo allora siete incarnati e avete dimenticato. Tutti voi avete tenuto accesi ai vostre piani e codici perché capite che c'è un proposito trascendentale o piano trascendentale di cui siete parte. Voi avete la storia dell'universo nel vostro corpo fisico. Fonte | Enlaces Semanales - Weekly Links
Español  --> El BRICS y la Misión de Reconfigurar el Mundo Más que nunca en la última década, los observadores de la geopolítica cuya aproximación a la evolución internacional es - en línea con las proyecciones realizadas por los fundadores de la escuela de pensamiento N.Ya. Danilevsky, O. Spengler y A.J. Toynbee - se basan en la suposición de que distintas civilizaciones eclipsarían países y grupos étnicos como los jugadores reales en la política global pueden decir que la realidad está generando numerosas pruebas para confirmar el concepto. Continúe leyendo...  --> Algunos Hechos Chocantes Sobre la Sociedad, que Absurdamente Aceptamos como Normales Cuando usted se toma un momento y mira a su alrededor en el mundo, las cosas pueden parecer en bastante mal estado. Tómese 5 o 10 minutos y vea las noticias de las seis. Es probable que durante este tiempo, todo lo que va a ver es guerra, conflicto, muerte, enfermedad, etc. Claro, esto es parte de la estrategia de los principales medios de comunicación de vender drama y mantener a las personas centradas en él, pero además de eso revela algo real sobre el estado actual de nuestro mundo. Continúe leyendo... Mas Artículos: English Tips for Thriving in 'The Matrix' You can have an amazing and abundant life free from enslavement to the Matrix once you realize how the Matrix got there in the first place as well as how your thoughts and feelings create your reality in every moment. You are the Master of your own Manifestation and your choices have the power to free or enslave you, as you choose. At first glance, life seems unfair and you may think that you are stuck in a system that is out to consume you. One one level, this is true, but this is not the only reality that you can experience. The world is a maze of lies. Finding the truth is a major work and not so easy to discern. Continue reading... A Public Bank Option for Scotland Scottish voters will go to the polls on September 18th to decide whether Scotland should become an independent country. As video blogger Ian R. Crane colorfully puts the issues and possibilities: [T]he People of Scotland have an opportunity to extricate themselves from the socio-psychopathic global corporatists and the temple of outrageous and excessive abject materialism. However, it is not going to be an easy ride... If Alex Salmond and the SNP [Scottish National Party] are serious about keeping the Pound Sterling as the Currency of Scotland, there will be no independence. Likewise if Scotland embraces the Euro, Scotland will rapidly become a vassal state of the Euro-Federalists, who will asset strip the nation in the same way that, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, have been stripped of their entire national wealth and much of their national identity. Continue reading... | | | | -->
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For iPad and iPod users, Safari Web Browser does not support Flash Player that allows watching some videos. We suggest you to install Chrome Browser for iPad-iPod with iOS, which can be downloaded from HERE. -
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