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Enlaces Rápidos Quick Links | | --> Español Amigos de Biblioteca Pleyades, Les enviamos algunos enlaces de Artículos Destacados de las ultimas "Novedades Semanales", para una eventual mayor accesibilidad por parte de Ustedes. La elección de "Artículos Destacados" es realizada por "nosotros". Vuestra elección podría ser diferente a la nuestra. Aconsejamos ver toda la lista de "Novedades Semanales" y decidir por uno mismo. Un fraternal saludo y hasta la próxima semana, Biblioteca Pléyades --> No se trata de cambiar a las personas en control, o que "el bien" supere "el mal" o incluso cambiar la sociedad: no se trata de eso en absoluto. Se trata de transformación individual y crecimiento espiritual, de la infancia, a la adolescencia. Se trata del libre albedrío y del poder de elección. Se trata de asumir la responsabilidad por nuestro propio destino espiritual, antes de que alguien lo haga por nosotros, por poder consensual. Se trata de retomar nuestro poder y elegir conscientemente la realidad en la que queremos existir. Fuente English --> Friends of Biblioteca Pleyades, We sent you some links of Featured Articles from latest "Weekly News" for a possible greater accessibility. The choice of "Featured Articles" is done by "us". Your choice may be different from ours. We advise you to see the whole list of "Weekly News" and decide by yourself. Fraternal greetings, and will be till next week, Biblioteca Pleyades --> It isn't about changing the people in control, or "good" overcoming "evil" or even changing society: it's not about that at all. It's about individual transformation, and spiritual growth from childhood, into adolescence. It's about free will, and the power of choice. It's about taking responsibility for our own spiritual destiny, before someone else does it for us, by consensual proxy. It's about taking our power back and consciously choosing the reality we wish to exist in. Source --> Italiano Amici di Biblioteca Pleyades, Vi inviamo alcuni collegamenti relativi ad Articoli Scelti delle ultime "Novitá della Settimana" per renderli più accessibili. Siamo "noi" a selezionare l'elenco degli "Articoli Scelti". La vostra scelta potrebbe essere diversa dalla nostra. Vi consigliamo di vedere tutto l'elenco di "Novità della Settimana" e decidere da voi. Un fraterno saluto e alla prossima settimana, Biblioteca Pleyades --> Non si tratta di cambiare alle persone in controllo, o che "il bene" vince "il male" o anche cambiare la società: non si tratta affatto di quello. Si tratta di trasformazione individuale e di crescita spirituale, dall'infanzia, all'adolescenza. Si tratta di libero arbitrio e il potere di scelta. Si tratta di assumere la responsabilità per il nostro destino spirituale, prima che qualcuno lo faccia per noi, per potere consensuale. Si tratta di riprendere il nostro potere e scegliere consapevolmente la realtà in cui vogliamo esistere. Fonte | Enlaces Semanales - Weekly Links
Español  --> Max-Neef Cree que La Economía Neoliberal Mata Más Gente que Todos los Ejércitos Juntos El economista chileno Manfred Max-Neef reniega de una economía neoliberal para la que los seres humanos son "irrelevantes" y que, en su opinión, "mata más gente que todos los ejércitos juntos". Galardonado en 1983 por los Right Livelihood Award, considerados Premios Nobel alternativos, Max-Neef se pregunta, en una entrevista con Efe con motivo de su estancia en Galicia, si los altos índices de suicidio en países como, por ejemplo, España, se pueden considerar, "asesinatos de un sistema perverso". Continúe leyendo... Mas Artículos: English The Corporation of The United States of America We all have been lied to, deceived and mentally manipulated for over two centuries in this country. It is imperative that we all must learn, then educate others, the true meaning behind who and what the Federal government that rules us really is and why it was created. Through using old Roman Latin in our court systems to enslaving the masses in perpetual debt servitude, they created artificial legal instruments, backed up by en-force, meant to keep us all enslaved and ignorant as to the real owners of this country and their means of rulership. Continue reading...
 --> The Death of Wheat? As the key component in most cereals, breads, pastas and baked goods, it's almost un-American to think of passing on it. But lately, there's a growing nutritional divide with some experts advocating that we give wheat up - and not just for a short-term low-carb fix. (Those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity reside in this camp with good reason.) Others argue that this very notion messes with years of a tried-and-true food pyramid. But could you benefit from eliminating wheat even if you're not allergic? Cardiologist William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, says yes. Continue reading... | | | | --> Notas/Notes -
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